What started as a WFH day with my BFAW (“Best Friend at Work”) on a TGIF abruptly morphed into a Tornado Emergency with my favorite weather team alongside communication with family via SnapChat. And now, after all is said and done, I am beyond SHOOK as I realize, shockingly, how my little house in the ‘burbs survived tornadic destruction by way of some sort of bubble within the Omadome. Now, as cleanup continues way too close to home, the everyday nuances of life seem so much more precious than they did only a few short days ago, and I’m left with a new perspective… both good and bad of life in this crazy world and how it can change unexpectedly within just seconds. Holding my loved ones so much tighter and closer while keeping an eye over my shoulder for more unexpectedness.
Who knew that 7 months after being sent to work from home I would be remotely enjoying the sights and sounds of Fall 2020 even more so than usual? Alas, it is true. And as I approach the 8 month mark of virtual work, the view from my home office is changing colors right before my very eyes quite beautifully. Meanwhile, someone in my household has decided to furnish the backyard with a lawn chair for up-close viewing purposes. Perfect choice.
... but thanks to Target's abundant stash of spirits, at least there's wine to drink.
(Shameless poem reference there.) But seriously, really hoping my amazing new office continues to stay above water so I can do my new job sans scuba gear. Not even a big huge blizzard packing THAT MUCH snow on the deck, patio furniture, driveway, house, entire neighborhood, and metropolitan area is going to squelch my spirit. So since that quick little Hawaiian vacation is not looking imminent, I've managed to escape the winter doldrums while snowed-in at home by sipping Sangria and playing scrabble words like ZONER, PLEX, & JAM - 3 words you would think would have me winning the game, right?
Alas... nope. Total justification for ordering up some authentic Hawaiian pineapple wine, if you ask me. The view from my high-rise office feels somewhat apocalyptic as the usual steam from nearby factories emit a mushroom-like appearance today. And parking in Arctic temps kind of gives an end-of-the-world feeling to match this doomsday view.
Hot espresso and chocolate greatly needed. Thankfully, I am reading this ridiculously high temperature shown here on my Apple Watch from the comfort of my air-conditioned house on this fine Memorial Day weekend. And so far, the family and I have taken advantage of the cool comfortableness our our home by not grilling outside but instead cooking up some copycat Applebee's wonton tacos indoors, complete with a side of rice pilaf and fresh limes. So not only are we feeling all cool temperature-wise, but we're also eating way cheaper than we would have if we'd headed out to the actual restaurant. WTG, Fam.
When you've had enough of battling the treacherous-commute-to-work-in-ice-and-snow conditions, this is the absolute BEST MEDICINE. I'm feeling so much better already.
If it weren't for that whole seeing-his-shadow debacle, I would not have been dealing with this weather-related ordeal on my way home from work yesterday. Dude's got a lot of nerve. THANKS, Phil.
Looking at my wrist and seeing this information on my Apple Watch actually does give me the warm fuzzies despite the clouds and 13 degree temp staring back at me. Because not only is the weather completely blah-like, but I also have NO MORE EVENTS planned, a total excuse to use the whole rest-of-the-day to enjoy some serious Me Time and dream about that trip to Italy still hanging out in the back of my brain. Let the fun begin.
This is what tennis looks like at 57 degrees Fahrenheit. Twenty minutes later, it looks mostly the same but with a big sweaty forehead and no Creighton jacket. An hour or so after that? Envision a 7-6 victory by my teammate and me over the other 2 IT guys working in my office. And after all was said and done, I had 3 words to describe this match: Best. Game. EVER. (Oh wait, 4 more: Never. Saw. That. Coming.)
AuthorI am Brenda Swenson and sometimes I blog. Archives
December 2024