That much coveted meet-up at Oscar's Pizza and Sports Grille with your long lost IT gang after way too much time apart, where adult beverages and salty snacks are consumed amidst chit-chat about latest news, aka gossip. Good God how I've missed those people, even more so than SUSHI. Must attempt to work that little detail into our next meet-up.
The worst part of being a new employee during the holidays? Lack of PTO ("Paid Tme Off"). The best part of being a new employee during the holidays? Other peeps have an abundance of PTO, hence leaving the workplace considerably empty compared to non-holiday times. So this week I'm doing all kinds of online training and enjoying my personal skyscraper view with NO. COMPLAINTS. WHATSOEVER.
So I made the fatal mistake of wearing unbroken-in high heels during the first week of my new job and paid for it with an elevated iced foot all weekend long, complete with limping around the following Monday - today. No more treadmill until this situation clears up. *sigh*
"We're not expecting you to come in and do big things right away. You were hired because we know you are capable of doing the job well. Be a sponge and enjoy this time right now... we are all here to help you succeed."
~ Fellow Teammate
In fact, my fellow teammate is a former long-time cheerleader friend of whom I have the utmost respect in too many ways to count. Who knew life would come full-circle in such an unexpected way?
Here we are at the Creighton basketball game cheering on my alma mater and celebrating 25 years of marriage together. And as I post this blog entry, I am also celebrating a new beginning with the start of my new employment this week. At the pinnacle of my life, I am feeling overwhelmingly blessed by the uplifting milestones surrounding me at this moment.
Holy new job situation! Things are just moving all crazy freight-train-like after making my final role choice (See what I did there? I'm talking HR-speak after so many months of getting schooled on the proper lingo.)
So here's my new bulleted list of key events that have taken place since my last blog post:
All of these things happened today, and I am exuberant and busting at the seams, to say the very least:
AuthorI am Brenda Swenson and sometimes I blog. Archives
December 2024