...this is how I'm feeling after a super amazingly totally unexpected first day of the week:
Robert Downey Jr. personifies the emotions I'm experiencing on the week of my 1-year anniversary of being made redundant employment-wise, particularly as I celebrate the newest opportunity where my presence is actually wanted and needed. And again, I'm reminded of a certain phrase my dear Mom used to say (and probably still does, to this day)...
Onward and upward. So I made the fatal mistake of wearing unbroken-in high heels during the first week of my new job and paid for it with an elevated iced foot all weekend long, complete with limping around the following Monday - today. No more treadmill until this situation clears up. *sigh*
"We're not expecting you to come in and do big things right away. You were hired because we know you are capable of doing the job well. Be a sponge and enjoy this time right now... we are all here to help you succeed."
~ Fellow Teammate Here we are at the Creighton basketball game cheering on my alma mater and celebrating 25 years of marriage together. And as I post this blog entry, I am also celebrating a new beginning with the start of my new employment this week. At the pinnacle of my life, I am feeling overwhelmingly blessed by the uplifting milestones surrounding me at this moment.
... check-check, shaboom. (Long-time rah-rah friends will pick up on that reference.)
Strange how a cheer from WAAAAY back in the day popped into my brain when all I wanted to do was stop in and post a blog documenting my latest status. So I'm either experiencing a synapse miss-fire or minor brain dump, not quite sure. Here goes, nonetheless:
How I feel about today's job search situation.
"... as time passed, when I breathed in and out, it took less effort. It used to be that when my alarm went off, I'd immediately feel a two-ton weight upon my chest. But then, little by little, it was one ton. And then half. And less. Until slowly I became more anesthetized to the gut-churning pain. Sheer agony became blunt pain became discomfort. And soon enough discomfort morphed into tolerance for my situation. And once I started to get used to everything, I started, step by tiny step, day by day, to feel that if I squinted hard enough, I might be able to make out an infinitesimal ray of light in the distance."
- Jill Kargman, The Ex-Mrs. Hedgefund |
AuthorI am Brenda Swenson and sometimes I blog. Archives
December 2024