Being a Mostly Empty Nester has its perks, such as having the ability to visit the oldest in her new habitat and check out local sushi while doing so. Above is a slideshow of the sushi feast we landed compliments of Hiko Sushi with rolls named after exotic car types, amongst other interesting varieties. Not one to be shy about indulging *cough*, I fancied myself a Maserati roll, likely the most scrumptious and expensive sushi roll I've ever laid my hands on ($16!). And not only did I enjoy complete sushi deliciousness, but I also scored a pretty pink Hawaiian flower to wear behind my ear in a selfie for posting online.
Next time? Totally going for the Tesla Roll.
With tonight being the official move-OUT date of the oldest and move-BACK-IN date of the youngest, Half-Empty Nest is the new family status. So I'm calling this a SUCCESS on everyone's part and popping open a bottle of my favorite white wine in celebration of the aforementioned events, because after all of the laundry-doing and box-unpacking today, red wine will just give me a big headache and make me fall asleep before finishing tonight's Netflix repeat of Friends.
Holy new job situation! Things are just moving all crazy freight-train-like after making my final role choice (See what I did there? I'm talking HR-speak after so many months of getting schooled on the proper lingo.)
So here's my new bulleted list of key events that have taken place since my last blog post:
Exactly 4 days after moving the remaining college peepster into a swanky new residence hall, I'm feeling all Super Powered - much like my childhood superhero, Wonder Woman, only without the sparkly star-spangled-supersuit with matching gold lasso. And with that, I think I've just discovered this year's Halloween costume.
Be SUPER scared. Less than 24 hours after rolling back into the home driveway with one less family member in tow, I'm attempting to wrap my head around the fact that another college peep is out-of-pocket for a another semester, thus making the house feel way less claustrophobic again. Not only that but I'm left feeling almost giddy about how smoothly this move-in went even after receiving this text on the excruciatingly long drive back to the family homestead:
yo did you guys miss one of the pockets of that Adidas duffel bag? I emptied the blue one but I'm missing like 12 pairs of underwear So glad God invented Amazon Prime for situations such as these. Feeling all jazzed after loading the youngest's stuff into my Honda CRV and venturing over to the closest Arby's for sustenance. And yet suddenly the homestead feels a whole lot smaller and slightly claustrophobic again.
One move-back-home down... one more to go. What's an Empty Nester to do when a college student returns home for Easter? Color eggs, of course. And now the nest is looking all fancy with bright pastel-colored eggs, at least until said eggs end up in breakfasts and salads over the upcoming week. Must enjoy this pseudo-full nest while I can, in the meantime.
After visiting the youngest who is currently away at college and offering to take him out to dinner, I felt a little ambivalent when he suggested we partake in actual sushi eating. My brain flashed to **RAW FISH ALERT** but then thought, But this dude is the pickiest eater on the planet, so how can it possibly be bad? And I also thought, Wait - this guy has already eaten sushi and managed to live through it, so why not give sushi a try?
So that's just what we did - WE ATE SUSHI. AND IT WAS DELICIOUS. AND NOW I AM ON A LIFE-LONG QUEST TO TRY MORE VARIETIES OF SUSHI. And reflecting back over the past 24 hours I am left wondering what the heck just happened and why I have been left unaware of the amazingness that is SUSHI all my life. To think that I could have died without ever experiencing this delicacy is a complete and utter shock to my system. Looking at my wrist and seeing this information on my Apple Watch actually does give me the warm fuzzies despite the clouds and 13 degree temp staring back at me. Because not only is the weather completely blah-like, but I also have NO MORE EVENTS planned, a total excuse to use the whole rest-of-the-day to enjoy some serious Me Time and dream about that trip to Italy still hanging out in the back of my brain. Let the fun begin.
Technically, this weekend was our own personal Homecoming with the youngest peep returning home for a visit after being away to college for a solid month and a half, the longest time away ever. And although he only spent about 48 hours back at home, we enjoyed every single minute of it. From the big hug/smile he greeted me with Friday night to the "Pump You Up" Schwarzenegger quips while weightlifting in the home gym, I was reminded of why I have missed that guy so much. Even this photobomb on the road back to campus made me melt just a little bit more. And now, on a Sunday night, the nest is all empty once again. Who knew this whole new-life-chapter thing was going to be so rollercoaster-ish?
AuthorI am Brenda Swenson and sometimes I blog. Archives
December 2024